The Gate — J Calaway — Make Today Count — Wet Your Mind.
Apr 29, 2024 • J Calaway
Everyday we wake up is another day to do the impossible. Yet, too many look at the mountain in from of them and determine before the day even begins they cannot climb it, move it, or go around it. They say it is impossible. The giant staring them down intimidatingly whispers you’re not big enough, strong enough, committed enough. And they cower in the assumption of impossibility. Yet, Impossible is a word used by those who give up even before they start. LIfe is only as good as your mindset. Stay positive. Have a sense of humor. Do not bow to the mindset impossible. You can say to this mountain be moved (Matthew 17:20-21), cut the giants head off with his sword (1 Samuel 17:5), Nothing will be impossible for you.