The Gate — J Calaway — Make Today Count — You Don’t Need More Time
Going through life the excuse will come, “I just need more time…” The student pleads with the teacher. The employee requests from the boss. The reality is you don’t need more time. You need less distractions. We live in a world that is designed to distract you from the things that really matter. Materialism, popularity, other’s lives, useless information, and stupid cat tricks…you know what I mean. It comes down to the ability to not be distracted. Throughout Jesus life, He would be tempted or in some cases demanded by those around him to get distracted from His appointed reason. He would constantly remind those of why He was here. (Luke 2:49, Matthew 20:28, Luke 19:10, Hebrews 12:2). Jesus was able to accomplish more in 33 years than we could in a lifetime. Stay focused, you don’t need more time, you need less distractions