The Gate — J Calaway — Make Today Count — Loyalty with Benefits or Bond?

Sep 20, 2024    J Calaway

'Once the rain is over, the umbrella becomes a burden to everyone. That's how loyalty ends when benefits stop.'"

This quote suggests that loyalty often hinges on the benefits we receive. But what happens when those benefits disappear?

Imagine you're caught in a downpour. An umbrella is your best friend, shielding you from the rain. But once the sun comes out, that same umbrella feels cumbersome. This is a metaphor for how some relationships function.

Many relationships look like this. The question is do your’s? Proverbs 17:17 says, 'A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.' True loyalty isn't conditional; it's steadfast, even when the benefits are gone."

The truth; true friendship and loyalty is beyond benefits, it’s sacrificial. 'Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.' Jesus exemplified ultimate loyalty and love, sacrificing Himself for us without expecting anything in return." John 15:13

But in our human relationships, we often see loyalty wane when the benefits stop. This can lead to feelings of betrayal and hurt. How do we navigate this? By doing nothing out of selfish or self centeredness. Philippians 2:3-4. By focusing on genuine care and love for others, rather than what we can gain from them. It's about being there through thick and thin, just as Christ is for us.

Loyalty isn't about the benefits; it's about the bond. When the rain stops and the umbrella feels heavy, choose to carry it anyway. Be the friend who stays, the partner who supports, and the believer who loves unconditionally.